Bio-Med Science Academy is a STEM school
Bio-Med is one of 7 public, Independent STEM schools in Ohio, and one of the only STEM schools [the first STEM school] to offer full coverage of K-12 grades.
STEM is kind of a popular buzzword these days. At Bio-Med, STEM is not just all equations and formulas. Here, a STEM-based education is a platform for learning, problem solving and mastery of skills that can be applied to virtually any subject.
Students who approach life with a STEM-mindset become:
- Independent thinkers
- Problem solvers
- Lifelong learners
- Passionate about their lives, careers and the world
We’re here to help you along the journey that leads to your personal mountaintop.
What’s more, we’re preparing you for jobs that don’t exist yet.
The ability to think critically, solve problems, collaborate, communicate are skills you’ll need whatever career path you take, whatever opportunities you find.

Graduation from Bio-Med is a milestone, not a finish line.
Bio-Med graduates tend to succeed wherever their learning journey takes them – college or university, technical careers, apprenticeships, military service. Since our first graduating class was in 2016, we can’t point to alumni who have achieved great professional distinction or accolades. At least, not yet. Stay tuned.
Safe Return to In-Person Instruction
and Continuity of Service Plans
2021- 2022
Bio-Med Science Academy STEM School plans to return to pre-pandemic practices during the 2021-22 school year. Should health concerns or new guidance from local and state officials arise, our COVID Response Team will review conditions and mitigation strategies and make necessary revisions. The team includes administrators, clinic staff, and other staff working closely with the Portage County Health Department.
Our goals for the safe reopen for the 2021-22 school year include:
- In-person learning five days per week
- No virtual learning option
- Masking will vary throughout the year. At times of high infection, masking will be required
- Visitors will be permitted into the building
- Return of pre-pandemic school programming, including after-school clubs and activities, in-person events, field trips, etc.
- Focused support for student academic needs
- Focused support for student/staff social, emotional, and mental health needs
Other mitigation strategies will move to an enhanced pre-pandemic status, including but not limited to:
- Physical distancing will be recommended in some settings, but not required
- Facilities will return to regular layouts, capacities, and operations
- Handwashing and sanitizing will be encouraged throughout the school day
- Sanitization of student desks and common spaces throughout the day
- Contact tracing will occur as required based on health department guidance
A plan will be provided to families before the start of the school year.
This plan may be subject to change based on new discoveries or changing guidance from officials.
Stephanie Lammlein
Superintendent / CAO
Bio-Med Science Academy STEM School
What’s New at BMSA
Our Twitter page (@biomedacademy) helps keep students, parents and those
interested in the academy posted on what our students are up to at the upper and lower academies.
Be sure to follow us. #ourbmsa
Experience Hours Logged

By calling or texting the statewide hotline
you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering you, your friends or your school.
There are several BMSA programs and initiatives from which you can choose to support us.
The generosity of individuals and corporations continues to help us provide excellent STEM+M educational opportunities for students in grades K through 12.