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October 2018

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                   Project Title Samsung Challenge Project Description This nationwide contest challenges public school teachers and students in grades 6-12 to show how STEAM can be applied to help improve their local community. The challenge was designed to boost interest and proficiency in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math. Learning Objectives ● Analyze and interpret data ● Develop descriptions, models, explanations and predictions ● Think critically and logically to connect evidence and explanations ● Recognize and analyze alternative explanations and predictions ● Communicate scientific procedures and explanations Subjects Science Technology Engineering

                   Project Title Olympic Games Project Description Students created Olympic Games based on the Ancient Games that were played. Then played the games and collected data. Data then was analyzed by population. Learning Objectives Exhibition Skills Presentation Skills Creating Connections  Math-Probability and Statistics Subjects Math Social Studies Grade Levels 7th "We had so many people wanting to play our game, we had to adjust it in the middle" -  7th grade Student 

                   Project Title Stop Motion Project Description For the stop-motion project students were asked to select and research an important event from the Great Depression or a program from the New Deal and create a film that teaches about their event or program. The video was to be five minutes in length, use a scale model of your event to accurately show the what occurred, and utilize at least 2 film techniques (stop motion, acting on a green screen, etc) to convey the events or program.

                   Project Title Personal Heritage Project Project Description As a preliminary project to our Human Journey, we've designed a research project around heritage /ancestry/DNA. We start with family stories & work our way back through time using online resources, assorted documents, and (for the lucky few) DNA tests. Learning Objectives Performing Research Grammar & Mechanics Using Digital Media Strategically Exponential Growth Push/Pull factors of Migration Science - DNA & genetics Subjects Science Technology Math ELA Social Studies Grade Levels 9th "We learn

                   Project Title Bird Beak Natural Selection Project Description Students built bird beaks to survive different environments. They competed to be the naturally selected beak. Learning Objectives Natural Selection Adaptation Attributes Subjects Science Grade Levels 7th "“It was challenging to make a beak to survive all of the ecosystems” - A Cocchiola"

                   Project Title Alcohol and Drug Education PBL Project Project Description Students analyze the driving question: How can we as members of society build awareness to prevent and educate the effects of drug and alcohol abuse?  Students examine how drugs and alcohol disrupt the homeostasis of the body through an info-graphic and create and anti-drug campaign including a PSA. Learning Objectives Research Integration Speaking/Listening Informational Text Attributes Subjects Science Math ELA Health Attributes Grade Levels 12th "Students were able to recognize that public service announcements are

                   Project Title Halloween Fraction Project Project Description Put your chef hat on, you're planning on some Halloween parties! One party is for your large family (3 1/2 times the original) and the other is for a small group of friends (1/2 the original). You need to find the perfect recipe! Learning Objectives Mathematical Understanding of the Number System Problem Solving Precision in Mathematics Subjects Math Attributes Grade Levels 6th "I learned how fractions can be used in everyday life, and how important it is to be able to

                   Project Title Museum of Chemical Elements Project Description Students create cross-curricular museum exhibits to showcase the role of the chemical elements throughout human history. Learning Objectives Integration Evidence and Support Audience Language Attributes Subjects Science Engineering Math ELA Social Studies Attributes Grade Levels 10th "The students are always so proud of their finished products, and they truly understand the connections that exist between Chemistry and all other academic subjects." -  Ms. Hisey

                   Project Title Human Journey Project Description Students learn about human ancestry by recreating the journey out of Africa. They relate their knowledge of genetics along with their own family history to better understand how humans have migrated and changed. Learning Objectives Retrieve, Transmit, and Respond to Information to Carry Our Life Processes Writing 2-Process Writing 3-Research Tech-3: Knowledge Constructor" Subjects Science Technology ELA Social Studies Grade Levels 9th "This project does a great job integrating different content areas as well as allow students to apply their knowledge to learn

                   Project Title Protein Model Project Project Description Students learn about the process of protein generation and the four levels of protein structure by creating models of proteins selected from the Protein Data Bank. Learning Objectives "LO 4: Modeling Concepts- Students will create models to understand, describe and explain complex concepts. CTE LO 9: Bio-Molecular Technology- Identify and manipulate proteins." Subjects Engineering Art Grade Levels 11th "Proteins are incredibly complex molecules that are very important to our day-to-day lives. It was exciting to see students using professional-level resources like the