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October 2018

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                   Project Title Creating a Utopia Project Description Using dystopian novels as an example of society gone wrong, students are challenged to consider ways in which they can influence the future for the better. This project integrates content from Science, Math, Language Arts and Social Studies as students build their own utopia from the ground up. Their ideas for a perfect society are showcased through a 3D scale model and a digital media broadcast. Learning Objectives Bio-Med Science Academy Attributes Developing Science Practices and Techniques Exhibition and

                   Project Title Better Together Personality Project Project Description Your group is tasked with making an engaging personality video reflecting all the personalities of your group members outlined in the Myers-Briggs Test that you completed previously. Your video will need to address a relevant topic, situation or conflict that high school students currently face in today’s society. Be creative, classy (no inappropriate language or situations), and don’t be afraid to be funny or serious if need be (Oscar-worthy performances are welcomed). Learning Objectives CTE 11th Grade -

                   Project Title Interactive Fiction Project Description Students were asked to write a short horror or dystopian story in English 9 and worked in small teams to create an interactive experience out of their story in Tech 9 using Twine. They had to collaborate, incorporate their knowledge of HTML, CSS, story writing, and properly attributing outside images and audio. Learning Objectives Creative Communicator Global Collaborator Computational Thinker Subjects Technology ELA Grade Levels 9th  

                  Project Title Build-A-Bond Project Description "You're a scientist who is sick of being trapped in a dark and dingy lab, and you've decided to combine your love of toys with your love of chemistry to create a hip new store! You’ve heard of Build-A-Bear™ - the store where people of all ages can choose the bear, choose an audio clip, put it together, ​decorate it, name it and take home a personalized, cuddly friend! But, have you heard of Build-A-Bond? Visitors will come into Build-a-Bond and