Current Students
Bio-Med Science Academy focuses on developing our student’s 21st century skills and core content for life after high school.
Sixth Grade Studies
- Science
- Math
- English Language Arts
- Social Studies
- Technology
- Art
- Physical Education
Seventh Grade Studies
- Science
- Language Arts
- Social Studies
- Math Foundations 7 or Pre-Algebra
- STEM Gateways II
- PE/Health
- Art
Eighth Grade Studies
- Science
- Language Arts
- Social Studies
- Pre-Algebra or Algebra I (HS credit)
- STEM Gateways III
- PE/Health
- Art
Freshman Studies
- Biology
- Language Arts I
- US/World History I
- Applied Algebra, Algebra II or Geometry
- Computer Applications
- Health Science and Technology
- Art
Sophomore Studies
- Chemistry
- Intro to Engineering Design
- Language Arts II
- US/World History II
- Algebra II, Geometry or Pre-Calculus
- Intro to Computer Programming
- Principles and Practices of Biomedical Technology
- Art
Junior Studies
- Physics
- Biomedical Engineering
- Language Arts III
- US/World History III – Online
- Geometry, Pre-Calculus or Calculus. I
- Art
- Junior Experience
Senior Studies
- Anatomy and Physiology
- Language Arts IIII
- PE/Health – Imbedded
- Pre-Calculus, Calculus I, Biostatistics or College Math
- Art
- Senior APEX (internship/research experience)
Senior Electives
- Principals of Engineering
- Graphic Design
- Biotechnology
- Cellular Biology